Monday, August 10, 2015

Change of Plans

As of a few  days ago, a week before my scheduled flight date, the real countdown began. Everything became "My last (fill in the blank)." Well, on my last Wednesday, there happened to be a bus strike. Here, almost everyone gets around my bus, so a bus strike really stops the whole city. That means all of the ministries on our most packed day were cancelled. Thursday, we went to Los Galpones when I remembered that we had an event all day on Saturday. That meant I would not be able to see and say goodbye to most of the kids, and I would not be able to go to La Favela to say bye to the children there either. Friday, plans to visit a nearby city were pushed back to Monday. We visited a couple's house/bakery instead, where we ate plenty of desserts, watched a movie, had asado, and walked around the town. It was a reallyyy nice time. One of the best times I have had in Argentina. That night, we found out that another ministry was cancelled.

On Saturday, there was a sort of conference at our church. It was a blast. Worship down here is the best because the congregation is actually HYPE! They jump and dance and worship in such tight community which is why churches gather all together on Sunday (the community). The speakers were great, too. Then, like all Saturday and Sunday nights, the young adults gathered and hung out afterwards (they always hang out until two or three in the morning). I cannot describe how lovely it is to spend time with that group. They are so much fun, so welcoming, and so in love with Jesus! Plus, we had the most delicious choripan haha.

Sunday, we had the chance to have lunch at one of our friend's house. Unfortunately, we got pretty lost on one of the coldest days I have been here, taking us more than twice as long as it should have taken us to get there. Regardless, the (late) lunch was so lovely. The hangout after church (have I mentioned the church services are also held at night here? I love it!) was wonderful as well. Great conversations and moments shared with brothers and sisters in Christ.

Although my last week has been filled with cancelled plans meaning cancelled goodbyes, I am still grateful for every moment I have had. I am grateful that I have been as urgent as I think I could have been to share the truth and Gospel with the people here so that I am not left with any regrets. I am also grateful for these last few days where I will have the chance to spend time with and say goodbye to my closest friends.

I really wanted to write a blog on Wednesday to ask for prayer for health. I had been feeling really sick, and it was having a really negative affect on me. I also wanted to ask for prayer because I was asked to share the morning devotional on Thursday in Spanish, and I was feeling pretty unsure about that. BUT I ended up spilling tea on the computer and it would not turn on, so I was going to try to use my phone to finish the blog and ask prayer for that, too. What can I say? Plans changed. Glory to God, I have been finally getting much better, my morning devotional was understood by everyone, and I am currently typing on my slightly sticky computer keyboard! I would still genuinely appreciate prayers for complete healing from whatever cold I have and prayers for me to enjoy my last few days here!! Thank you everyone who is still keeping up with my blogs or maybe you are reading this two months after I come back, but thank you for taking the time to read this (especially since this one is so long!). I still have a few more coming your way, so don't remove this link from your bookmarks quite yet ;)

Monday, August 3, 2015

Big Time Difference

As I am coming very close to the end of my mission this Summer (eight days left!), I have recently noticed that there is a bigger time difference between the US and Argentina than I realized. When I told countless friends and family that I was going on a missions trip in another country for two months, I remember everyone thinking it was such a long time. But here, everyone keeps telling me how short my time is.

One thing I have learned here is that truly learning a culture takes years. Truly learning a language takes even longer. (But is culture a part of language or is language a part of culture? Oooh.)  People need to stop think we are so internationally-minded because they have been to other countries. The world really is so diverse. I was not planning on writing this, but I feel called to say, do you ever think about how vast the knowledge of this world is? For example, there is no way that one person could know about all of the cultures there are in the world. Do you ever think about how limited our brains are that we have to spend years to obtain X number of degrees in one specific area? And then after you have spent all those years studying that, there are still hundreds of other topics to study and/or learn? Or how about spending your whole life learning how to play an instrument or even five instruments, only to face the reality that there are thousands of instruments to be played? Our human brains are so little and incapable compared to the Almighty God.

Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Shots Fired

For the past few weeks, CFCI has been visiting a new shanty town on Saturdays called La Favela. A few of our volunteers go there while the rest (the majority) go to Los Galpones. When I was elected to go to La Favela a few weeks back, I really enjoyed it. The kids are much different there. They are much less violent and impatient, which makes it much easier to communicate with them. I started asking to go back (especially since we finish earlier and still get to go to Los Galpones).

Even though the kids seem to have less physical needs, I still see their spiritual deprivation and desperation. I see that some of them hate God. I see that some of them hate each other. I wish I could stay longer to keep reaching out to them and to see how God works in their lives, but I know that God is calling me back to the States for now. As I believe I have mentioned in one of my previous blogs, I have been considering taking this next year off from school to start working with my family with a new insurance agency. After weeks of prayer, I have officially decided that I will be staying home this upcoming year.

Yesterday, the plans in Los Galpones were to watch a movie called Joseph, the King of Dreams. The kids were so excited to see it. To be honest, I was really worried about someone stealing the equipment while we were there, especially since we told them ahead of time that we would be playing a movie. I was told that when our group arrived, nobody was outside. They said it was very strange, but they proceeded regardless. I was told that the children eventually came and were so thrilled  to watch the movie. "This is just like in the movie theaters!", they said. Even the most rambunctious of children were telling the others to stay quiet during the movie. While I was in La Favela, one of the leaders from the other church that was working there said that we had to get going earlier than usual.

I remember my first time in Los Galpones when I was washing dishes and this loud clash hit the outside of the house. I remember thinking it was a gunshot, but I was not scared because nobody reacted. Someone then explained that it was only a rock and that that was common. Yesterday while watching the movie, the same type of event occurred, except this time, two of the leaders ran into the house, told everyone to get on the ground, and closed the door. Apparently, there was a shoot-out. The supposed rock that hit the window was actually a bullet. With children being held and watching the movie just on the other side, we were even more grateful that God had protected us. While talking to one of my friends who was there, she told me that she was not scared. She then recited one of the three verses she knows in English.

Philippians 1:21 For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

This verse is one of my favorites. It says that my life is not mine. Because Christ gave His life for me, I give my life to Him in gratitude. All I want to do is be more like Him and worship Him. That is why to die is gain. In Heaven, we sin no more. In Heaven, all we do is worship our Creator and Savior. I know God has a purpose for me to be on this Earth right now, but I cannot wait for the day when I am reunited with Him face to face. I am not afraid to go back to Los Galpones. In fact, I eagerly look forward to it. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jumping for Joy...Literally

Last Sunday, Anna and I were able to go to a different church service where many of our friends go. We sang a song called "Alabemos" which means "Let's Praise." We opened and closed the service with this song. By the end of the service, there was a mosh pit in the front. A bunch of guys literally had their arms around each other and just jumped and sang "God, we praise You" with all the energy they had. All my friends and I were still in the pews, but jumping nonetheless. As simple as the chorus is, it filled me with so much joy. I am so, so glad to know Christ. It is truly amazing that my Creator, whom I rejected and sinned against, came to this insignificant Earth (in comparison to the vastness of the universe) to actually die so that I would be able to personally know Him while on this Earth and spend eternity with Him when I leave. He is so great and gives so, so, so abundantly. I just had to share :) Bendiciones!

Friday, July 24, 2015

R.I.P., Elisabeth Elliot.

Many of you have probably heard of Jim Elliot, but if you have not, I suggest that you take some time to learn about his inspirational biography. The movie End of the Spear was based off of his life and the impact it made. A quick read of what made him famous can also be found here. As famous as Jim Elliot is, his wife is the one who makes his story worth knowing.

"When obedience to God contradicts what I think will give me pleasure, let me ask myself if I love him." ~Elisabeth Elliot

While reading through some of Elisabeth's quotes, this one stuck out to me. I have always loved the verses John 14:15 and 23 which say, "If you love me, keep my commands." and "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching." But this quote reminds me of the command that I so consistently fail to keep: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice." (Philippians 4:4). I try to obey the Lord in everything I do, but if I am being honest, most of the time, I lack joy.

I have had discussions here in Argentina about how serving the Lord sometimes require us to sacrifice our dreams. I feel that many of us have dreams in common. So many of us have dreams of traveling to specific countries, being married, having children, receiving a certain degree, or reaching some level of financial comfort. Some of us have accomplished our dreams, while others of us have reached none. The Lord, however, never promises us any of this. In fact, the Bible says in Philippians 3:8, "I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ." Can I get an Amen?!

Back to what I was saying in the beginning, I love Elisabeth Elliot because she challenges me. Elisabeth Elliot challenges my obedience. Am I willing to sacrifice everything I have and genuinely risk my life to follow and obey Him? Elisabeth Elliot challenges my idea of pleasure. Is my pleasure found in attaining my aspirations or solely Him? Elisabeth Elliot challenges my love. If I truly love the Lord, will I not rejoice in obedience of all kinds? She challenges my heart, my desires, and my bucket list! Please pray that I can constantly evaluate my intentions with every action I take here and, of course, when I return.

I wish I could thank Elisabeth for how much she helped me in my faith, but I know so many people have told her that already, and I know everything is for God's glory anyways.

Psalm 116:11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

R.I.P., Elisabeth Elliot. Rest In Pleasure.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Heart in the Matter

The past few days have been strange for me. My heart has been wrung out and feels like a fish gasping for air. Our new roommate has already left, which was genuinely upsetting. I was asked two weeks ago if I felt that God had confirmed my calling to be here this Summer. While I would say "yes" because of how much I have learned and how God has used me, it provoked me to think. I remember when I first decided to come, I was excited to see my potential futures of business and missions intertwine. I remember telling the director of my Christian ministry at school that this trip was going to help me understand God's calling for me. It was going to help me understand if and how I would incorporate my business degree into missions. In my time here, I have been assigned to create a promotional video, but other than that, I have not had any exposure to marketing.

I have missed my devotionals a lot the past couple of weeks. I realized that it is much easier to miss your morning devotional when your whole day is devoted to hearing God's voice and allowing Him to work in you. That is the point of morning devotionals, is it not? When I have thought about going into the corporate business world as my full-time career, I have been stuck with this big "What if..." What if I become so consumed with making money and being successful and reaching accomplishments that I live in a way that is almost like I did not know Christ? Does that make sense? What if I lose sight of glorifying Him in everything I do? What is I lose urgency in sharing that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ?

As far as prayer requests, please pray that God helps me understand what His plans are for me and how this summer can help me understand. Please pray that I take the time to spend with the Lord in the mornings. Lastly, please, please be praying for my roommate. She has been sick for the past four weeks or so. Please pray that there is no physical hindrance that keeps us from the serving the Lord. Of course, please pray that there is also no spiritual barrier that keeps us from the serving the Lord. Thank you, all!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bon Jovi's Greatest Hit

Woahhh we're half way there. Whoa OH! Livin' on a prayer!

To be honest, these past few days have been very painful. Why? Well, I remember after my first week here while walking back to the van after our street ministry, one of my friends said to me, "I don't want you to leave!" I literally laughed because I had only been here for exactly one week! Now, my heart is in agony every time I bear the thought of leaving. I do not want to leave those who I am serving nor those whom I am serving with!

This reminds me that we should never feel like we want to leave. If we are glad to leave, did we genuinely love those people we were serving? If we live and love like Jesus did, will we not be as heart-broken as He was when people walked away from Him? (Mark 10:17-22, specifically verse 21) Will we not be as devastated when someone leaves this Earth? (John 11:1-44, specifically verse 35) Jesus deeply loved everyone He came into contact with, and we ought to live like that. That includes those people who have hurt you, those people who have stolen from you, those people who disrespect you, and those people on the news who have done "terrible things." Jesus loves them all.

Recently, I have been lacking this attitude in the States. As some of my friends know, this past semester has been rough for me. I have been considering taking next year off for a multitude of reasons, one of them being a desired break from serving. I have honestly been dreading returning to serve. Last semester, I felt so discouraged, drained, and fruitless. I was reminded of this verse the other day that fits perfectly, and I thought it would be encouraging for anyone reading this who is feeling the same way. Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." No explanation necessary.

As far as updates, my roommate, Anna, feels that the Lord is leading her to stay in Argentina for longer (so she is not half way there like I am). She is not sure if she will stay a few weeks longer or a few months longer, so please pray that the Lord will continue to guide her in His "good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Romans 12:2).

I have also acquired a second roommate. We received a sudden notice that a girl named Joann who was from Florida and serving with CFCI in Guatemala was going to join us for a few weeks. She arrived about a week and half ago and was planning on leaving later this week, but she is hoping to stay for a little longer (so she is half way there like I am). I am so glad that the Lord has brought her here so unexpectedly. She is so outgoing and energetic. She has also been very determined to learn Spanish ever since she began learning in Guatemala as of a few weeks ago. Anna and I were planning on taking on a week-long, Spanish-speaking-only challenge once Joann left. However, Joann wants to begin the challenge tomorrow. So, prayers for that! Speaking and understanding Spanish has remained a struggle, despite the improvement I have seen. I would love prayers for persistence, patience, and humility for all of us. Prayers for health would also be appreciated considering all three of us are sick! Thank you everyone for your support!!