These children live in environments where they are abused on every level by their families, neighbors, and even strangers. Most of them live in small houses and sleep in one bedroom where everything their parents do takes place. This includes dealing drugs, taking drugs, and having sex. In this neighborhood, there are no rules. The kids are violent. They throw rocks and hit each other. The kids are loud. They start arguments which turn into pure screaming. The kids are uncontrollable. No matter how much you try to physically keep them from fighting, they keep going until they want to stop. The kids are ungrateful. After spending our whole morning there just to bring them food, drinks, crafts, and soccer, while we were doing the dishes in preparation to leave, I heard what sounded like gunshots when some children began throwing heavy rocks onto the metal roof.
The kids are suffering from so much more than physical hunger. They are starving for love. I can tell by the way they come running to the volunteers and give them a kiss (the common Argentinian greeting). I can tell by the way they got my soccer pinny and even exchanged it for me because the first one was too small. I can tell by the way they just walk up to a volunteer, hug them, and walk away without exchanging even one word. Picture that. It is so powerful. They are so deprived from love, but they know that we offer it. They know because CFCI (Christ for the City International) has been there for three years. They know because CFCI has spent money on buying a house, new tables, plates, and cups, only to have it all stolen multiple times. They know because-- as violent, loud, uncontrollable and ungrateful as they are-- CFCI comes back. Our mission is to help the spiritually suffering where no one else wants to. Why? Because that is what Jesus did.
Do not forget: we are all starving children without knowing and understanding what Christ did for us. The team here has has sacrificed an unbelievable amount to stay in “los galpones,” but after every single painful visit, they know that it is only a weak analogue for the sacrifice Christ made for us, how much pain he went through for us, how uncontrollable we are, how dirty we are, and how ungrateful we are. YET, He loves us unconditionally.
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
1 John 4:19
1 John 4:19
We love because He first loved us.
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